故事发生在公元1612年,宝嘉公主(艾琳·贝达 Irene Bedard 配音)跟随着英国外交官拉尔夫(比利·赞恩 Billy Zane 配音)远渡重洋来到英国伦敦面见国王和王后,共同商讨族人的命运和领土的未来,跟随着她的除了保镖乌塔外,还有古灵精怪的米可(约翰·卡西尔 John Kassir 配音)、帕西和福利特(弗兰克·维尔克 Frank Welker 配音)。...
King Leontes of Bohemia suspects his wife, Hermione, and his friend, Polixenes, of betraying him. When he forces Polixenes to flee for his life, Leontes sets in motion a chain of events that lead to d...
电视剧《捍卫使者 /比翼金鹰Pensacola: Wings of Gold》的男主角 Lt. Col. Bill Kelly,也是该剧的编剧和导演。83年的电视剧《Hotel》的男主角 Peter McDermott,2次提名金球奖。69年的电视剧《维尔比医生 Marcus Welby, M.D.》的男二号 Dr. Steven Kiley,2次获得金球奖一次 提名,三次提名艾美奖另外获奖一次。...
迈克尔·克里斯1963年8月30日在美国麻萨诸塞州出生。他曾在波士顿大学主修艺术专业。1989年,他在200多名候选者中脱颖而出,主演了电影《Wired》。Keith Cooke is a man of many qualities, accomplished in the arts of Wushu, Tae Kwon Do and Karate....
迈克尔(克里斯蒂安·乌蒙 Christian Ulmen 饰)和布鲁诺(莫里兹·布雷多 Moritz Bleibtreu 饰)虽是一对同母异父的兄弟,却拥有者截然相反的个性。迈克尔是一名专注于基因学的生物学家,一心沉浸在研究之中,和异性无缘。布鲁诺身为教师,日日流连于万花丛中,他从不相信爱情,将女人玩弄于鼓掌之间,甚至和自己年幼的学生有着不正当的关系。...
Upon the death of his mother, a gay man in blue collar America returns to his childhood home. There he discovers a cardboard time machine that he made when he was a boy. As he uses it to get glimpses ...
American based Federation World Airlines has just acquired a Concorde jet, which will make its inaugural commercial flight from Washington D.C. to Paris and then to Moscow as a goodwill gesture prior ...
Karina Lombard最为人知的是在《黑色豪门企业》一片里,扮演在海滩上诱惑汤姆克鲁斯的应召女郎一角,及在《真爱一世情》中饰演布莱德彼特的妻子,但在未来的一年里,她在《The L Word》中诱惑Mia Kirshner(饰Jenny)的角色,将为更多影迷所熟知。趣味はカラオケ(ドラマ『女王の教室』劇中では「キューティーハニー」(倖田來未)と「DO THE MOTION」(BoA)をカラオケ...
乔什·哈洛威,美国影视演员。2岁时候搬到乔治亚州,从小就对电影十分感兴趣。从Cherokee High School毕业进入乔治亚州州立大学学习,但入学后一年就辍学,Josh的第一份工作是在一家农场里整理死鸡。不久,他发现自己有表演天赋,就决定进入模特界。后来又因想从事电影演出,就搬到了洛杉矶。在演出《迷失》之前,他曾经在多部影集和独立制作的电影中出现。他是一个很成功的模特,在北美和欧洲模特界小有...
娜奥米·沃茨,澳大利亚女演员和女制作人。她的父亲彼得·沃茨是摇滚乐队平克·佛洛伊德的录音师。在悉尼沃茨上过几个演艺学校(就在她第一节课上,她遇上了妮可·基曼,两人还乘同一辆出租车回家)。1986年她暂时告别了自己的演艺生涯,而到了日本当模特。可惜在日本她一无所获,她后来描述这段为期4个月的日本生涯是自己过去最暗的一段。Finn Wolfhard was born in Vancouver, Can...
Helle has been waiting forever for her workaholic husband Peter to retire, so they can enjoy the autumn of their life together. She really wants to travel and explore the world with him – but when Pet...
King Leontes of Bohemia suspects his wife, Hermione, and his friend, Polixenes, of betraying him. When he forces Polixenes to flee for his life, Leontes sets in motion a chain of events that lead to d...
电视剧《捍卫使者 /比翼金鹰Pensacola: Wings of Gold》的男主角 Lt. Col. Bill Kelly,也是该剧的编剧和导演。83年的电视剧《Hotel》的男主角 Peter McDermott,2次提名金球奖。69年的电视剧《维尔比医生 Marcus Welby, M.D.》的男二号 Dr. Steven Kiley,2次获得金球奖一次 提名,三次提名艾美奖另外获奖一次。...
迈克尔·克里斯1963年8月30日在美国麻萨诸塞州出生。他曾在波士顿大学主修艺术专业。1989年,他在200多名候选者中脱颖而出,主演了电影《Wired》。Keith Cooke is a man of many qualities, accomplished in the arts of Wushu, Tae Kwon Do and Karate....
迈克尔(克里斯蒂安·乌蒙 Christian Ulmen 饰)和布鲁诺(莫里兹·布雷多 Moritz Bleibtreu 饰)虽是一对同母异父的兄弟,却拥有者截然相反的个性。迈克尔是一名专注于基因学的生物学家,一心沉浸在研究之中,和异性无缘。布鲁诺身为教师,日日流连于万花丛中,他从不相信爱情,将女人玩弄于鼓掌之间,甚至和自己年幼的学生有着不正当的关系。...
Upon the death of his mother, a gay man in blue collar America returns to his childhood home. There he discovers a cardboard time machine that he made when he was a boy. As he uses it to get glimpses ...
American based Federation World Airlines has just acquired a Concorde jet, which will make its inaugural commercial flight from Washington D.C. to Paris and then to Moscow as a goodwill gesture prior ...
Karina Lombard最为人知的是在《黑色豪门企业》一片里,扮演在海滩上诱惑汤姆克鲁斯的应召女郎一角,及在《真爱一世情》中饰演布莱德彼特的妻子,但在未来的一年里,她在《The L Word》中诱惑Mia Kirshner(饰Jenny)的角色,将为更多影迷所熟知。趣味はカラオケ(ドラマ『女王の教室』劇中では「キューティーハニー」(倖田來未)と「DO THE MOTION」(BoA)をカラオケ...
乔什·哈洛威,美国影视演员。2岁时候搬到乔治亚州,从小就对电影十分感兴趣。从Cherokee High School毕业进入乔治亚州州立大学学习,但入学后一年就辍学,Josh的第一份工作是在一家农场里整理死鸡。不久,他发现自己有表演天赋,就决定进入模特界。后来又因想从事电影演出,就搬到了洛杉矶。在演出《迷失》之前,他曾经在多部影集和独立制作的电影中出现。他是一个很成功的模特,在北美和欧洲模特界小有...
娜奥米·沃茨,澳大利亚女演员和女制作人。她的父亲彼得·沃茨是摇滚乐队平克·佛洛伊德的录音师。在悉尼沃茨上过几个演艺学校(就在她第一节课上,她遇上了妮可·基曼,两人还乘同一辆出租车回家)。1986年她暂时告别了自己的演艺生涯,而到了日本当模特。可惜在日本她一无所获,她后来描述这段为期4个月的日本生涯是自己过去最暗的一段。Finn Wolfhard was born in Vancouver, Can...
Helle has been waiting forever for her workaholic husband Peter to retire, so they can enjoy the autumn of their life together. She really wants to travel and explore the world with him – but when Pet...
Domenica D'Agosto was the first feature-length effort from Italian documentary filmmaker Luciano Emmeri. The film keeps within the accepted guidelines of Italian neorealism, albeit with a surfeit of w...
布鲁诺·伯茨多(Bruno Bozzetto)是意大利著名的鬼才动画家,1938年出生在意大利米兰。第一部动画长片是1965年的《牛仔与苏达》(West and Soda)。该片是自1949年Nino Pagot的《火药兄弟》(I Fratelli Dinamite)和Anton Gino Domeneghini的《巴哥达的玫瑰》(La Rosa di Bagdad)以来意大利第一部动画长片。...
Eddie Cahill出生于纽约,是家中的第二个孩子,他还有一个姐姐一个妹妹。EC有父亲的爱尔兰血统和母亲的意大利血统。96年毕业于Armonk的 Byram Hills High School。他还在纽约的Saratoga Springs市的Skidmore Colledge、Atlantic Theater Acting School、 NYU的Tisch School of the Art...
Helle has been waiting forever for her workaholic husband Peter to retire, so they can enjoy the autumn of their life together. She really wants to travel and explore the world with him – but when Pet...
故事发生在公元1612年,宝嘉公主(艾琳·贝达 Irene Bedard 配音)跟随着英国外交官拉尔夫(比利·赞恩 Billy Zane 配音)远渡重洋来到英国伦敦面见国王和王后,共同商讨族人的命运和领土的未来,跟随着她的除了保镖乌塔外,还有古灵精怪的米可(约翰·卡西尔 John Kassir 配音)、帕西和福利特(弗兰克·维尔克 Frank Welker 配音)。...
After enjoying a summer romance, high school students Danny and Sandy are unexpectedly reunited when she transfers to Rydell High. There Sandy must contend with cynical Rizzo and the Pink Ladies in at...
胡安·迭戈·波托,阿根廷-西班牙演员。两岁时,波托的父亲在阿根廷“肮脏战争”中失踪,母亲带着他和姐姐Maria搬到西班牙马德里,也是他目前居住的地方。波托在5岁时开始演戏,处女作是《Juego de poder》 (力量游戏)。在1999年,他接演电影《Sobreviviré》(我会存活下来),关于一个女人不知情的爱上一个同志的故事,其中的角色让他获得了更多国内和国际的关注。Nadia Kound...
木下优树菜有两个较年长的姐姐。2001年十三岁时曾参加早安少女组第五期征选,但在最终征选时未能在9人之中出线。Kirsten Prout was born in Vancouver, Canada, and began her career at ten-years-old. She grew up in a household completely removed from the film i...
Mike is asked by a Las Vegas entertainer to come to Vegas. Mike refuses, he is then knocked out and dropped (literally) into Las Vegas. He is led to believe that the entertainer had him shanghaied, wh...
“白色条纹” (The White Stripes) 乐队可能是世界上最神秘的乐队。队中的一男一女声称是兄妹关系,然而事实却并非如此,有狗仔队的证据明明证明他们是曾经恩爱如今已经分飞的夫妇。他们刚刚还对记者讲,他们正饱受现实困扰之苦,转眼却被音乐界奉为音乐世界救世的救星——他们将60年代粗野却饱含活力的车库摇滚重新带回了音乐界,使奄奄一息的欧美音乐界忍不住眼光一亮。...
Respected black cavalry Sergeant Brax Rutledge stands court-martial for raping and killing a white woman and murdering her father, his superior officer....
This concert conducted by the Swiss Conductor Diego Fasolis in spite from the Christmas Repertoire, shall has as programme Vivaldi and Mozart. An amazing repertoire with a great cast formed by soprano...
Set in the underbelly of Mumbai; in the notorious by-lanes where 'Greed is a Culture' and 'Deceit becomes a Compulsion' 'Bhindi Baazaar Incorporation' revolves around gangs of pickpockets who consider...
查理·考克斯,英国演员。曾在谢伯恩中学学习戏剧表演,期间出演过多部校园戏剧,并且获得了该校颁发的Gerald Pitman Award for Acting奖;2002年毕业之后他曾亮相过BBC的热门剧集《JUDGE JOHN DEED》,与Martin Shaw对戏。电影方面查理·考克斯先是出演了Benji Fowler执导的短片《HOME FROM HOME》以及Matthew Parkhil...
Basedworld starring brandon"lil b" mccartney is a unique expose on the bay area rapper as he navigates his way through the world living the positive"based" lifestyle. After hitting the top of the ch...
Stephen Campbell Moore身高180cm。他1979年11月30日在伦敦出生,父亲是位电信工程师,母亲是一位医生(或者说是治疗师),他还有个哥哥,是个工程师。他在赫特福德郡的乡间长大,读的是当地的私立学校叫Berkhamsted School。后来他想称为一名演员,去了Guildhall School Of Music & Drama学校学习,并在1999年取得学位,授以金奖。他...
朴有天,韩国歌手、演员。从小崭露出创作和唱歌方面的天赋,出道前在美国生活,通过歌唱选拔回韩国,作为东方神起成员出道,专辑《Hug》后迅速走红,05年在日本出道,经历4年多登上东京巨蛋,取得巨大成功;2010年起以JYJ成员身份活动。Alessandro Calza (born in Genova, Italy on December 23, 1970) is an Italian film act...
Arriving Somewhere... is the first live performance DVD by British progressive rock band Porcupine Tree. Disc one is a full show from the Deadwing tour filmed by"Studio M" with nine High Def cameras ...
Rock Steady Live is a DVD recorded at a Feb. 26, 2002 No Doubt concert in Long Beach Arena. The concert features 17 songs, including many of the band's hits, plus additional live footage, band intervi...
2008年,通过万代南梦宫游戏公司的模拟游戏《偶像大师系列》中的《偶像大师 SP》的我那霸响这一角色配音选拔而开始受到关注,在选拔中演唱了《机动战士高达F91》的主题曲《ETERNAL WIND~ほほえみは光る风の中~》而获得合格。Jessica Brooke Capshaw Gavigan (born August 9, 1976) is an American actress. She is ...
2006年,年仅23岁的陈哲艺就带着他的第一部短片《G-23》参加了戛纳电影节“世界电影展映”(Tous les cinemas du monde)项目。三年后,他的《阿嬷》在第60届戛纳影展的短片竞赛中获得特别表扬奖。这个有着儒雅外表,说话不紧不慢的青年导演,为新加坡搬回了第一个戛纳电影节大奖,成为亚洲一颗冉冉升起的导演新星。...
Gloria finds a power she never knew she had when she is drawn into a dangerous world of cross-border crime. Surviving will require all of her cunning, inventiveness, ysgou.cc and strength. Based on th...
Plot details are vague, but the film will feature famous characters from shows like “Doug,” “Rugrats,” “Ren & Stimpy” and “Ahh! Real Monsters,” combining them into a film that would bear similarities ...
Carl has travelled from Yorkshire to central London to clear up the details of his brothers death. Although a successful attorney Carl finds that there is another side to his brothers life, which he w...
本·福斯特,美国影视演员。很早就表现出对表演的热情,在一部社区剧院剧《You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown》中担任主演后,年方12的他开始创作、执导并出演自己的剧目,他的一部戏剧还在国际大赛中拿过第二名。14岁时他进入密歇根州因持洛肯的戏剧艺术学校学习,两年后他从高中辍学前往洛杉矶,很快被迪士尼的《Flash Forward)节目相中启用。...
When a beautiful woman, Crystal Taylor (Jenna Bodnar) meets a photographer, Drake Van Horn (Patrick Williams) whose works exhibit a strangely macabre brand of eroticism, she doesn't realize the danger...