An experienced member of Texas Rangers, a special police unit, arrives to compete in a pistol shooting tournament, but so does a hitman who's planing to assassinate a US senator who will be among the ...
Three friends meet one summer at a skydiving center. Adventurous, they spend most of their time jumping for thrills as well as jumping to escape what haunts them. Rafael, 20, dreams of becoming a pilo...
In 15th century France, a gypsy girl is framed for murder by the infatuated Chief Justice, and only the deformed bellringer of Notre Dame Cathedral can save her....
Mary's (Amy Smart) boyfriend breaks up because she's too boring. In the subway she ends up with an interesting man's cell phone. She ca lls him and asks if she can write a story about him and gets per...
满岛真之介(みつしま しんのすけ),1989年5月30日出生于日本冲绳县,日本影视男演员,毕业于冲绳县胡差高中。Nascida no Rio de Janeiro, é formada em Desenho Industrial e começou sua carreira de atriz aos 35 anos de idade. Dedicou-se aos estudos da arte ...
伊莎贝尔(吉恩·蒂尔尼 Gene Tierney 饰)深深的爱着飞行员劳力(泰隆·鲍华 Tyrone Power 饰),然而,刚刚经历过战争摧残的劳力并没有心情谈情说爱,他选择前往巴黎,想要在那里找到生活的意义。一晃眼一年过去,伊莎贝尔前去寻找劳力,却因为受不了那里贫穷的生活而选择了嫁给富家公子格雷(约翰·佩恩 John Payne 饰)。...
2010年,电影《团圆》攻克柏林,徐才根的表演受到各国影人的关注,好评如潮。新年伊始,柏林报捷,王全安导演因《团圆》再度获奖。消息传来,上海影坛一片欢笑:一祝影片海外折桂,二贺本土演员徐才根“冲出亚洲,走向世界”。One of his earliest jobs in the film industry was when, as a young man, he worked as a messen...
Teresa Numa in Nardecchia, an orphan of a mother and daughter of a peasant and heartless Lazio peasant, then a war widow and a mother constantly looking for new jobs, she is often forced to steal in o...
马克·鲁弗洛是美国威斯康辛州人,幼年时与其家人移居至弗吉尼亚,在那儿他度过了少年岁月。高中后,马克·鲁弗洛又与他的家人搬到圣迭戈,接着又搬到北部,最后定居在洛杉矶。Catherine Davis Higgins (born August 16, 1969) is an American voice actress, singer, and jazz pianist. Her major voice...
This emmy award winner for Best Animated Special is based on the first tale of C.S. Lewis' acclaimed children's books,"The Chronicles of Narnia." When four children pass through a special wardrobe cl...
In this ducklightful animated feature film, Daffy Duck opens up the ghostbusting Ghouls R' Us Agency."It's supply and demand," the spook sleuth explains."My clients supply the ghosts. And I demand t...
The movie starts off with a regular family in Seoul: mother Min-chae, a theater actress who resumes with her old job, daughter Da-sol, a university student and father Soo-nam....
An experienced member of Texas Rangers, a special police unit, arrives to compete in a pistol shooting tournament, but so does a hitman who's planing to assassinate a US senator who will be among the ...
Three friends meet one summer at a skydiving center. Adventurous, they spend most of their time jumping for thrills as well as jumping to escape what haunts them. Rafael, 20, dreams of becoming a pilo...
In 15th century France, a gypsy girl is framed for murder by the infatuated Chief Justice, and only the deformed bellringer of Notre Dame Cathedral can save her....
Mary's (Amy Smart) boyfriend breaks up because she's too boring. In the subway she ends up with an interesting man's cell phone. She ca lls him and asks if she can write a story about him and gets per...
满岛真之介(みつしま しんのすけ),1989年5月30日出生于日本冲绳县,日本影视男演员,毕业于冲绳县胡差高中。Nascida no Rio de Janeiro, é formada em Desenho Industrial e começou sua carreira de atriz aos 35 anos de idade. Dedicou-se aos estudos da arte ...
伊莎贝尔(吉恩·蒂尔尼 Gene Tierney 饰)深深的爱着飞行员劳力(泰隆·鲍华 Tyrone Power 饰),然而,刚刚经历过战争摧残的劳力并没有心情谈情说爱,他选择前往巴黎,想要在那里找到生活的意义。一晃眼一年过去,伊莎贝尔前去寻找劳力,却因为受不了那里贫穷的生活而选择了嫁给富家公子格雷(约翰·佩恩 John Payne 饰)。...
2010年,电影《团圆》攻克柏林,徐才根的表演受到各国影人的关注,好评如潮。新年伊始,柏林报捷,王全安导演因《团圆》再度获奖。消息传来,上海影坛一片欢笑:一祝影片海外折桂,二贺本土演员徐才根“冲出亚洲,走向世界”。One of his earliest jobs in the film industry was when, as a young man, he worked as a messen...
Teresa Numa in Nardecchia, an orphan of a mother and daughter of a peasant and heartless Lazio peasant, then a war widow and a mother constantly looking for new jobs, she is often forced to steal in o...
马克·鲁弗洛是美国威斯康辛州人,幼年时与其家人移居至弗吉尼亚,在那儿他度过了少年岁月。高中后,马克·鲁弗洛又与他的家人搬到圣迭戈,接着又搬到北部,最后定居在洛杉矶。Catherine Davis Higgins (born August 16, 1969) is an American voice actress, singer, and jazz pianist. Her major voice...
This emmy award winner for Best Animated Special is based on the first tale of C.S. Lewis' acclaimed children's books,"The Chronicles of Narnia." When four children pass through a special wardrobe cl...
In this ducklightful animated feature film, Daffy Duck opens up the ghostbusting Ghouls R' Us Agency."It's supply and demand," the spook sleuth explains."My clients supply the ghosts. And I demand t...
The movie starts off with a regular family in Seoul: mother Min-chae, a theater actress who resumes with her old job, daughter Da-sol, a university student and father Soo-nam....
After receiving a cryptic message, American skeptic Jamie travels to the Indian Himalayas to pick up on the trail of his disappeared girlfriend. There, he discovers a secretive community led by a guru...
姜西的第一部电影是In the butt? 在由丽莎·库卓,达蒙·韦恩斯主演的电影Marci X中也有演出,与此同时他还参加了其他的电影拍摄。Tara Reid is an American actress. She has acted on television shows such as Saved by the Bell: The New Class, Days of Our Lives, ...
陈立品(1911年─1990年7月18日),原名陈慧芳,艺名陈烈品,因为和一个导演的姓名相同,又改成陈立品,浑号“品姨”,战前在全女班粤剧团与潘冰嫦的母亲反串当小生,战后的1946年经刘克宣介绍首次接拍电影。五六十年代出演过《家》《春》《秋》,她还是80年代无线年龄最大的艺人。喜欢看香港鬼片的人几乎都见过她,但也几乎没有几个人能叫出她的名字。Edward Christopher Sheeran, ...
1945年出生于德国杜塞尔多夫的维姆·文德斯在世界影坛上拥有举足轻重的地位和代表。凭借自己独具魅力的作品曾多次荣获戛纳、柏林、威尼斯等国际一流电影节的大奖,与法斯宾德、施隆多夫和赫尔措格并称为“德国新电影四杰”,是二十世纪70年代“新德国电影运动(New German Cinema)”的代表人物之一。70年代,受当时美国公路电影的启发,和少年时对西部片的喜爱,文德斯开始拍摄属于自己的欧洲式的公路电...
彭氏兄弟的其一成员,在《无声火》成功前已是香港数一数二的剪接师,曾为不少出色的电影及广告担当剪接工作。他神乎其技的剪接技巧,令他获奖无数,最为人熟识的是凭《风云》及《无间道》获得金像奖最佳剪接美誉。在《见鬼》后更独自执导了一部泰国电影,更令此片女主角一连赢夺了两个泰国电影最佳女主角,本片更被选为韩国釜山电影展参赛作品及赢取了韩国PPP编剧奖。Phoenix Chou was born in Hon...
Stephen Campbell Moore身高180cm。他1979年11月30日在伦敦出生,父亲是位电信工程师,母亲是一位医生(或者说是治疗师),他还有个哥哥,是个工程师。他在赫特福德郡的乡间长大,读的是当地的私立学校叫Berkhamsted School。后来他想称为一名演员,去了Guildhall School Of Music & Drama学校学习,并在1999年取得学位,授以金奖。他...
For the two 13-year-old blood-brothers Alex and Ferry, Hitler's war is an exciting game – which is not surprising since they live in a backwater town ignored by the Allied bombers. The only thing that...
Enchanted by an evil witch, a beautiful princess is forced to speak only in nonsense phrases. One day, she finds a small frog who can understand what she says. The frog claims to really be a prince, a...
Two brothers, reunited for their father's funeral, stumble upon the entrance to a nearby cave, where they are slowly forced to confront the true, nightmarish cause of their father's death. Based on th...
It's 1994 in Mexico, the nation was witnessing a turbulent year since its beginnings. An indigenous rebellion shakes the country. Three months later, the ruling party's presidential candidate is bruta...
比利·马格努森,美国演员。代表作有《魔法黑森林》《龙之诞生》《游戏之夜》等。马格努森生于美国纽约,在佐治亚州长大,母亲是健美操教练,父亲是职业健美/搏击运动员。马格努森从北卡罗来纳州艺术大学毕业后,于2007年开始了自己的百老汇舞台表演生涯。2012年,他搭档大卫·海德·皮尔斯、西格妮·韦弗参演克里斯托弗·杜朗指导的话剧 Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike,本剧...
When the 'Big Four,' Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax shared a stage together on June 22nd, 2010, in Sofia, Bulgaria, it was the moment their fans had waited decades for. That monumental show w...
O·J·辛普森(原名:Orenthal James Simpson,1947年7月9日-),出生于美国旧金山,因名字简写OJ而得到“果汁先生”的昵称。他是著名黑人美式足球运动员,凭身体条件成为美国收入最高的美式足球运动员。1979年因伤退休后又去做演员,出演过《卡桑德拉大桥》等20几部电影。1994年卷入杀妻案后,成为全球知名人物。最后因起诉证据存有漏洞,令他无罪释放,惟死者家属事后循民事起诉索偿...
When 12 year-old Gracie prays for a beautiful singing voice to fit in with her musical family, her wish is granted with the one condition that she can only sing in the family church....
The story of a young man who is separated from the love of his life. To find her he has an Out of Body Experience but the silver cord that connects his soul with his body breaks and he is believed to ...
韩国《2013Mnet Asia Music Awards(MAMA)颁奖礼》BIGBANG的队长G-DRAGON成为是晚大赢家,一口气连夺“最佳年度歌手”、“最佳音乐录影带”、“最佳男歌手”及“最佳舞曲表演”四个奖项。而“最佳女歌手”奖项由新婚的李孝利夺得,她的得奖谢词不忘多谢老公,尽秀甜蜜。男团EXO凭专辑《XOXO》夺得“最佳年度专辑”奖项。...
Simon Lindström, the popular coach of a suburban junior hockey team is found stabbed to death. Does the murder have something to do with his side project: teaching unaccompanied refugee children to ic...
卡门·萨帕塔是一名美国电影演员、歌手、翻译、老师。 萨帕塔出生于纽约市,父亲是墨西哥人,母亲是阿根廷人。她曾经出演上百部电影和电视剧,包括有《蝙蝠侠(系列动画片)》、《拖家带口》、《修女也疯狂》和《圣巴巴拉(电视剧)》。她演艺周期最长的节目是《阿雷格尔(电视剧)》,她在九年中担任其中的主要角色。。Mark Umbers (born 17 June 1973) is an English actor...
来自南斯拉夫的男星米基马诺洛维克(Miki Manojlovic)是南斯拉夫大导演艾米尔库斯杜力卡(Emir Kusturica)的爱将,演过他的《黑猫白猫》(Crna macka, beli macor)、《爸爸出差时》(When Father Was Away On Business)及《地下社会》(Underground)。同时深获法国大导演法杭苏瓦欧容 (Francois Ozon)欣赏的...
In Pharaoh's land, Noah lives with his loving family and is warned by God that a great flood will ruin everything. So he sets out to collect two animals of each species and protect them in his ark for...