A young family are stranded at the Eden Lodge. The people they meet are being killed one by one. They must fight to save their marriage, their family, and most of all their lives.
日本战国时代末期,关白丰臣秀吉(市村正规 饰)即将成就千秋霸业,与之相对北条氏覆灭指日可待。秀吉命令下属石田三成(上地雄辅 饰)、大谷吉继(山田孝之 饰)率领两万大军逼近北条氏领土上的蕞尔小城忍城,仅有500守兵的城主成田氏长(西村雅彦 饰)自知难以抗衡,早已向关白纳上降表,随后逃入本城小田原。在此...
15岁那年,青梅竹马的濑户环奈(长泽雅美 饰)和春田一惠(高良健吾 饰)双双升入同一所高中的同一班级。新学期第一天,春田和蓄意挑衅的真山稔邦(中村苍 饰)大打出手,而这一风波也促成了环奈、春田、真山以及川口朝美(波瑠 饰)四个人的友情。此后的岁月里,他们结伴出行,玩耍畅谈。而随着交往的加深,阿真对环奈的情感有了新的变化,环奈和春田则暧昧不定,相互试探而又退缩。在焰火大会的晚上,突如其来的交通事故为四人的友情画上了句号。八年后,进入职场的环奈偶然结识了某出版社的员工赤泽禄(冈田将生 饰)。看似自负毒舌且阳光开朗的赤泽,内心也有着一段长久无法摆脱的痛苦记忆。两个心在滴血的年轻人,结识在匆忙喧嚣的都市中……
Laurent van Horn is the leader of a band of Dutch refugees on a ship seeking freedom in the Carolinas, when the ship is wrecked on the coast of Cartagene. governed by Don Juan Alvardo, Spainish ruler. Alvarado has Laurent thrown in prison, but the latter escapes, and five-years later is a pirate leader. He poses as the navigator on a ship in which Contessa Francesca, daughter of a Mexican noble, is traveling on her way to marry Alvarado, whom she has never seen. Laurent's pirates capture the ship and Francesa, in order to save another ship, gives her hand-in-marriage to Laurent, who sails her to the pirate hideout. This irks the jealous Anne Bonney and,also, Captain Benjamin Black, who was already irked, anyway. They overpower Laurent and send Francesa to Alvarado, and then Mario du Billar, trusted right-hand man, makes a deal to deliver Laurent to Alvarado also.
A group of ambitious filmmakers set out to create the world's first reality horror movie. Their plan was simple; they'd offer an active serial killer complete anonymity and a worldwide platform from which to display his work in exchange for genuine footage of his grisly crimes. What ensues is a hellish game of cat and mouse as a cryptic filmmaker, known only as The Maestro, comes out from hiding in search of his"perfect shot".
马克西·蒙斯(罗素·克劳 饰)是罗马帝国战功显赫,受人拥戴的大将军。老国王马库斯·奥利利乌斯(理查德·哈里斯 饰)对大将军赏识有加,有意加冕于他。老国王对将军这种超越亲情的宠爱自然招来太子康莫迪乌斯的妒忌与不安,太子伺机杀害父亲,抢先登上王位,并马上下令诛杀大将军一家。