身穿和服的美丽女子锦户坂江(雾浪千寿 饰)正在寻找牙科医生,骑着摩托的青年田之边慎吉(远水健二 饰)为坂江指明路线,并载着她前往医院。
After re-locating to Mumbai, Haryana-based Satwati Choudhary gets hired in a firm and finds herself sexually harassed by her boss, Harddick Vasu. She then finds that she is not only one and others including Mansi Joshi and Candy D'Souza, are also in the same boat, and this appears to be the state of affairs in almost every organization. The trio decide to get back at him and poison his coffee. Believing him dead, they are fearful when the police get involved, and decide to take the body from the hospital morgue and dispose it off elsewhere. They do not know that Harddick is not only very much alive, but has also filmed this incident, and conceived his very own plan to get back at the unknowing, hapless trio.
狄爸(石仁茂 配音)与儿子小狄(徐娇 配音)居无定所,他每日在各建筑工地打零工,干最辛苦的活,可为了儿子将来有个好的前途,他勒紧裤带把儿子送进一所贵族学校。一天,狄爸在拉圾箱里捡到外星生物7仔,7仔像是一个万能的工具,它不但能帮小狄解决生活中遇到的各种麻烦和问题,还能源源不断地产生无尽的能量。小狄的...