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    • 情人湖

    • 片名:情人湖
    • 状态:已完结
    • 主演:富山敬/真夏龙/朱家三/郭嘉曦/康纳·欧法莱尔/
    • 导演:陈澄/
    • 年份:2014
    • 地区:大陆
    • 类型:科幻/动作/恐怖/
    • 时长:内详
    • 上映:未知
    • 语言:国语,英语,日语
    • 更新:2025-02-18 14:40
    • 简介:沈教官皱眉,今天顾潇潇的表现,确实有些出乎众位教官的意料。A girl from the country falls deeply in love with a man from Seoul. However, he refuses to have anything to do with her as he has been promised in marriage since he was a childEx-Kellner Held fühlt sich berufen, schmiedet Verse und die schlecht. Überdies pflegt er ein Verhältnis mit der Masseuse seiner Hoteliersgattin. Das stößt Madame natürlich sauer auf. Sie weist ihm die Tür, entzieht ihm Barschaft und den Autoschlüsel. Auch die Geliebte will nicht länger den Knittelversen des nunmehr Mittellosen lauschen. Held geht auf Jobsuche nach München. Die “Löffelwirtin” Agnes braucht noch einen Ober. Held fängt sich wieder, bildet sich in Kursen fort und nutzt sogar im Fernsehen eine Chance. Held wird berühmt. Sogar die Gattin wittert wieder Neubeginn. Doch als auch Agnes ihren Gasthof in eine Schicki-Absteige verwandelt ist Held es leid. Er sagt all denen, die ihn vereinnahmt haben, Lebewohl und macht sich fort.Tia51制作 演员招募中サッカーワールドカップの裏で繰り広げられる、ああ言えばこう言う厄介な5人の男女の愛のシーソーゲームの行方は――。恋愛群像劇の新たな旗手?木村聡志監督の最新傑作。他对于雪儿的气息非常的熟悉,她跑到对面去了,还在看着他,心里有一个声音不停的说,把她吃掉,喝光她的血。第1話「声なき事件」: ちょうど7年前のことです。私の友人が失踪したのは。原因はわかりませんでした。私は彼女の夫とも知り合いだったので、一緒に心当たりを探したり、彼を励ましたりしていました。そのうち私たちは深い関係になりました。そんなある日のこと、私の携帯に友人から電話がかかってきたのです・・・。小梨花二人转艺术团接到匿名邀请,来到二龙湖村演出。一路上团里的名角一声雷(柴宝玉 饰)和六岁红(闫晶贻 饰)练习唱段时的腻歪劲,让六德子(张浩 饰)很是吃醋,甚至被安排独自住在土房。不料自打六德子住进土房,怪事接二连三的发生,几番打听房子主人蒋老头不久前刚刚惨死,一时间人心惶惶......Charged with leading demonstrations for the democratization movement, student activist Kim Gi-young (Moon Sung-keun) is a fugitive from the law. He sneaks into a mining village on the verge of being shut down, with a fake ID in hand. Feeling frustrated with the current state of activism, which centers around the intelligentsia, he gets a job as a man-of-all-work at a coal factory and meets the motley inhabitants of the mining village. Dae-sik (Yang Jin-yeong) works to support his family in place of his father, who is in prison for instigating a strike. Detective Kang (Lee Su-chan) always keeps a sharp eye on everything that goes on in the village. Then there are strike organizer Cheon Do-seong (Kang Neung-won), fellow worker Jeong (Hwang Hae), Taek's mother (Kim Kyung-ran), and Sun's mother (Jo Ju-mi). Sung-cheol (Park Joong-hoon), whose father is a local bigshot and the owner of the coal factory, lords it over the neighborhood bars and cafes. Angry at his father (Park Kyu-chae) for leaving his mother and marrying another woman, Sung-cheol vents his resentment on the cafe girls and factory workers. Meanwhile, Young-sook (Shim Hye-jin), who works as a prostitute at the local cafe, is becoming fed up with Sung-cheol's violent and demeaning treatment of her. When she meets Gi-young, who is reserved but warm, she begins to have feelings for him and stops selling sexual favors. As the impending miners' strike darkens the horizon, Gi-young and Young-sook fall in love and enjoy each other's company. Then one day, Sung-cheol receives news of his mother's death and wreaks havoc at the cafe. When Young-sook refuses to satisfy his demands, he starts to beat her up. Gi-young tries to stop him, but his intervention brings him to the attention of Detective Kang and he is hauled off to the police station. Gi-young undergoes torture at the hands of the police, but he is eventually cleared of all charges and released. When he finally comes to through Young-sook's devoted care, he tells her that he is a wanted fugitive. His identity is soon exposed and he is forced to run once more. Young-sook decides to leave the village with him, and heads to the cafefor her things. While making her last coffee delivery, Young-sook runs into Sung-cheol, who tries to stop her from leaving. She ends up killing him, and is dragged off by the police as Gi-young waits for her at the train station.
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    A girl from the country falls deeply in love with a man from Seoul. However, he refuses to have anything to do with her as he has been promised in marriage since he was a child

    Ex-Kellner Held fühlt sich berufen, schmiedet Verse und die schlecht. Überdies pflegt er ein Verhältnis mit der Masseuse seiner Hoteliersgattin. Das stößt Madame natürlich sauer auf. Sie weist ihm die Tür, entzieht ihm Barschaft und den Autoschlüsel. Auch die Geliebte will nicht länger den Knittelversen des nunmehr Mittellosen lauschen. Held geht auf Jobsuche nach München. Die “Löffelwirtin” Agnes braucht noch einen Ober. Held fängt sich wieder, bildet sich in Kursen fort und nutzt sogar im Fernsehen eine Chance. Held wird berühmt. Sogar die Gattin wittert wieder Neubeginn. Doch als auch Agnes ihren Gasthof in eine Schicki-Absteige verwandelt ist Held es leid. Er sagt all denen, die ihn vereinnahmt haben, Lebewohl und macht sich fort.

    Tia51制作 演员招募中



    第1話「声なき事件」: ちょうど7年前のことです。私の友人が失踪したのは。原因はわかりませんでした。私は彼女の夫とも知り合いだったので、一緒に心当たりを探したり、彼を励ましたりしていました。そのうち私たちは深い関係になりました。そんなある日のこと、私の携帯に友人から電話がかかってきたのです・・・。

    小梨花二人转艺术团接到匿名邀请,来到二龙湖村演出。一路上团里的名角一声雷(柴宝玉 饰)和六岁红(闫晶贻 饰)练习唱段时的腻歪劲,让六德子(张浩 饰)很是吃醋,甚至被安排独自住在土房。不料自打六德子住进土房,怪事接二连三的发生,几番打听房子主人蒋老头不久前刚刚惨死,一时间人心惶惶......

    Charged with leading demonstrations for the democratization movement, student activist Kim Gi-young (Moon Sung-keun) is a fugitive from the law. He sneaks into a mining village on the verge of being shut down, with a fake ID in hand. Feeling frustrated with the current state of activism, which centers around the intelligentsia, he gets a job as a man-of-all-work at a coal factory and meets the motley inhabitants of the mining village. Dae-sik (Yang Jin-yeong) works to support his family in place of his father, who is in prison for instigating a strike. Detective Kang (Lee Su-chan) always keeps a sharp eye on everything that goes on in the village. Then there are strike organizer Cheon Do-seong (Kang Neung-won), fellow worker Jeong (Hwang Hae), Taek's mother (Kim Kyung-ran), and Sun's mother (Jo Ju-mi). Sung-cheol (Park Joong-hoon), whose father is a local bigshot and the owner of the coal factory, lords it over the neighborhood bars and cafes. Angry at his father (Park Kyu-chae) for leaving his mother and marrying another woman, Sung-cheol vents his resentment on the cafe girls and factory workers. Meanwhile, Young-sook (Shim Hye-jin), who works as a prostitute at the local cafe, is becoming fed up with Sung-cheol's violent and demeaning treatment of her. When she meets Gi-young, who is reserved but warm, she begins to have feelings for him and stops selling sexual favors. As the impending miners' strike darkens the horizon, Gi-young and Young-sook fall in love and enjoy each other's company. Then one day, Sung-cheol receives news of his mother's death and wreaks havoc at the cafe. When Young-sook refuses to satisfy his demands, he starts to beat her up. Gi-young tries to stop him, but his intervention brings him to the attention of Detective Kang and he is hauled off to the police station. Gi-young undergoes torture at the hands of the police, but he is eventually cleared of all charges and released. When he finally comes to through Young-sook's devoted care, he tells her that he is a wanted fugitive. His identity is soon exposed and he is forced to run once more. Young-sook decides to leave the village with him, and heads to the cafefor her things. While making her last coffee delivery, Young-sook runs into Sung-cheol, who tries to stop her from leaving. She ends up killing him, and is dragged off by the police as Gi-young waits for her at the train station.

