扑闪而来的淡黄色的光,像是闪闪发光的星星一样, 美到了极致。
奥塔·伊奥谢利阿尼,格鲁吉亚著名电影导演、编剧。出生于原苏联共和国第比利斯。从事电影创作多年,做过导演、编剧、演员、剪辑、还曾自己投资独立制作小电影,是影视界的多面手,创作起来能够独当一面。1986年担任柏林国际电影节评审会委员,2000年任La Fémis电影节评委会主席。代表作品有:《游戏星期一》Lundi matin(2002)、《我不想回家》Adieu, plancher des vaches!(1999)、《强盗第七章》Brigands, chapitre VII (1996)、《追逐蝴蝶》Chasse aux papillons, La (1992)...Sandra Louise"Sondra" Anderson (née Smith; born May 28, 1944[1][2]), professionally known as Sondra Locke, is an American actress and director. She made her film debut in 1968 in The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, for which she was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. She went on to star in such films as Willard, The Outlaw Josey Wales, The Gauntlet, Every Which Way But Loose, Bronco Billy, Any Which Way You Can and Sud...
Women wait anxiously at a minehead in Capodarso, Sicily. Their men are underground. The mine is closing and the miners refuse to come up unless the owner relents. After three days, they give up in despair... In a bar in town, Ciccio is recruiting workers for jobs in France. He can get people over the border - for L20,000 a head. Enough people to fill a bus sell their belongings to pay the fee, including Saro and his 3 young children, and Barbara and her man Vanni, in trouble with the law and desperate to flee Italy. After reaching Naples by train, Ciccio tries to slip away but is grabbed by Vanni. Vanni tells Barbara where to meet at the border if anything should go wrong. In Rome, Ciccio points out Vanni to the police. In the shoot-out, both Vanni and Ciccio escape. The others are arrested. They are ordered by the police to return to Sicily or be charged with"illegal expatriation". With Saro as leader, and nearly out of money, they head north instead. Hardship draws Saro and Barbara closer together...