Based on the best-selling novel by author Dorothy Allison and directed by Lisa Cholodenko (High Art, Laurel Canyon), Cavedweller tells the touching tale of a mother's remarkable will to carry on following the death of her second husband. After fleeing from her abusive first husband (Aidan Quinn) and leaving her two daughters behind to begin life anew in Los Angeles, Delia (Kyra Sedgwick) meets the man of her dreams (Kevin Bacon) and begins to settle into a comfortable new existence. When tragedy strikes and her husband dies an untimely death, Delia is forced to return to the Southern town from which she came and confront her painful and anguished past. When she learns that her first husband is terminally ill and her daughters are currently in the care of their grandmother, Delia wages an uphill battle to reunite her family and get to know the daughters she had abandoned years ago.
自从被人贩绑架后,13岁的艾德里安(鲍琳娜·盖坦 Paulina Gaitan 饰)的生活一下子从天堂跌入了地狱,年轻美丽的她被卷入了一起国际性的“性奴”交易阴谋中。好在得到了好友维罗妮卡(艾丽卡·巴赫蕾达-库鲁斯 Alicja Bachleda-Curus 饰)的帮助,艾德里安幸运的免于了被伤害的...
苦海孤雏 (1960)演员表
一对家境富裕的小夫妻,本来非常恩爱,却因身为洋行总经理的丈夫经常到舞厅应酬而令妻子暗起疑心。妻子淑敏在母亲及工人的纵恿下,用 '一哭二闹三上吊' 的策略来盆问丈夫志平在外面的活动, 结果弄巧反绌, 不但未能使自己安心, 更因家中的神秘电话和亲戚朋友的疏摆而对丈夫起更大疑心. 误会源于志平在舞厅遇上当年死党的遗孀黄绮云, 并答应帮助她为即将成立的 '妇女习艺所' 向朋友筹款. 刘与黄的交往于是引起妻子的怀疑. 误会亦源于志平的司机阿福冒充阔少, 惹上一心钓金龟婿的舞女王美玉. 在重重误会之下, 小夫妻的婚姻面对考验. 结果, 淑敏与母亲到黄绮云家中对质, 发觉绮云并未如她们想象般勾引了志平; 经过解释后, 三人一起返刘家找志平澄清, 却遇上找上门来的王美玉与冒充阔少的阿福, 真相自然大白, 夫妻亦和好如初。