位于香格里拉深山的自然景区,阿秀(郑秀文 饰)和大妹、小妹经营着林海旅馆。她的丈夫小田(李光洁 饰)七年前误入林海,生死不明,但阿秀始终没有放弃寻找的希望。 某天旅馆来了一名不速之客,他就是当今红遍影坛、歌坛的天王巨星Michael刘伯谦(古天乐 饰)。刘不久前与女影星丁圆圆(高圆圆 饰)订婚,但在...
A poignant yet understated film which focuses on the everyday hardships of an isolated Iranian community on the border with Afghanistan, Delbaran centres on the story of a 14-year Afghan refugee working in a truck stop in the 'town' which gives its name to the film. The film is unusual in having very little dialogue and offers nothing by way of explanation of the wider context of war and cross-border migration which forms the backdrop to the events that are portrayed. The characters in the film are all too aware of the conflict and the sounds of automatic weapons are always within earshot, but they are so much an accepted part of their lives that they feel no need to comment on them. And that is one of the strengths of the film that makes it so compelling a portrait of life in this remote community. At one level, very little seems to go on in the film which has the feel of a documentary without a voiceover. In fact, a lot happens off camera, as revealed by indirect images and sounds, but the main emphasis of the film is the extraordinary yet humdrum nature of life in a marginalized community. The film has a distinctive look and feel, with an emphasis on images, movement and sound, and, although one would be hard pressed to identify a conventional narrative structure or message, there are aspects that resonate in the mind long after watching it. A recurring image is of three or even four men riding a single motorbike back and forth along a dusty mountain road. An especially poignant moment in a film in which the hardships of life mean that the characters hardly ever show great emotion, is when the central character of the 14-year old boy, Kaim, is offered medical help for an ear infection: his smile lights up the screen at this small act of human kindness. Highly recommended.
This British Channel 4 Production (also the source for Queer as Folk) is a hip, action and music filled vision of a multi-racial and pansexual London with oodles of beautiful guys and gals. This amusing, fast-paced series includes all of the staples of a naughty adult soap opera - cheating lovers, fabulous hair and costumes, copious sex and drugs, even an attempted murder.