Although His Glorious Night, MGM's 1929 talkie adaptation of Ferenc Molnar's Olympia, proved to be a box-office disaster (a failure chalked up by the studio to the vocal inadequacies of leading man John Gilbert, though this wasn't entirely the case), the studio was still committed to refilming the property in French, Spanish and German-language versions. The French version, Si L'Empereur Savait Ca, starred Andre Luguet, while the Spanish adaptation, Olympia, top-billed José Crespo. Olympia was also the name of the German-language version, which like the French adaptation was directed by Jacques Feyder. This time, Theodor Shall is cast as handsome Lieutenant Kovacs, the sweetheart of the lovely Princess Olympia (Nora Gregor). When the princess' snooty mother breaks up the romance, the embittered Kovacs threatens to tell the world that he has"ruined" the girl (not true!), making her unfit for marriage. To ensure his silence, the Lieutenant is promised a night alone with Olympia, just before the wedding. It is at this point that Kovacs proves he's a gentleman after all by marrying the Princess, which is what he intended to do all along. Olympia was remade in 1960 as A Breath of Scandal.
何塞普·卡雷拉斯·柯尔(Josep Carreras Coll,1946年12月5日-),是西班牙籍歌剧演唱家,20世纪后半叶的世界三大男高音之一,是演绎威尔第和普契尼作品中男高音角色的权威之一。
19世纪中叶,西班牙巴斯克地区一个偏远所在。衣着考究的阿尔弗雷德·奥提兹(Ramón Agirre 饰)来到了当地一个小镇,他自称为省政府工作,此行的目的是找当第一个外号“铁锤”的铁匠帕尔西·弗朗西斯科(坎迪多·乌兰加 Kandido Uranga 饰)了解事情。从当地 人口中得知,铁锤脾气暴躁,不...
在旷日持久的大战结束之后,巴霍巴利(帕拉巴斯 Prabhas 饰)最终凭借着他的骁勇善战获得了太后希瓦伽米(拉姆亚·克里希南 Ramya Krishnan 饰)的垂青,太后决定立他为王储,但是,在登基之前,巴霍巴利必须游历他所拥有的国土,学习如何成为一名开明睿智的君主。与此同时,太后还必须小心的平衡...