A thriller that brings together three different stories from London, Mumbai, and New York as the Dow Jones nears an all time high.
#常轨脱离Creative# 动画化决定,全12话泡面番,2024年播出
市长的公鸡是圣维克多小镇的骄傲。它每天早晨准时唤醒小镇居民 起床劳作,小镇经济因此欣欣向荣。一天,居民们被瞌睡虫驱使, 将公鸡赶走,小镇顿时一蹶不振。居民如何挽回呢?本片巧妙地将 市场经济定律融于儿童动画中,以幽默诙谐的画面描绘成人世界的 规则。没有皮克斯那般炫目的动画效果,也不似迪士尼采用逼真的 3D 效果,古典学院派风格亲切可人,唤起儿时温馨回忆。配音阵容 包括了加拿大明星保罗·阿玛拉尼(《刚果风情画》)和安妮·杜 尔瓦勒(《双面劳伦斯》)。
Carefree and desperate to avoid any responsibility, Jessica, a college student, visits a yard sale to buy a gift for her best friend. However, the music box she brings home is haunted by a vicious demonic entity eager to feed off the lives of all who hear the box's melody. After her best friend takes her own life, Jessica seeks the aid of two ghost hunters, but they too find themselves out of their depth. Desperate to free herself of the cursed box, she searches for the box's origin only to find that true evil begins with best of intentions.