Its a comedy film about onion (kaanda) were kidnapping took place in city and kidnapper demands a truck of kaanda from parents and the time kidnapper receives the truck, parallely the price of kaanda has a huge down fall. With the heavy heart he goes to take a glance of the truck,"shockingly" he realizes that there is not even a single kaanda in the truck.On further exploring the truck kidnapper realizes that his shock isn't a shock any more its trouble now, when he puts his hand on asla barood. In his shell shocked situation he listens to the important radio announcement which is related to a terrorist who deals into taskari of arms and amination from last 10 years. Now the situation gets more terrible when the kidnapper predicts the near future that the terrorist will arrive like a hungry dog sniffing for his bone, the kidnapper hilariously plays smart and informs police about the actual nightmare of his life and the story goes on.
故事开始于1927年春天,当时国共合作节节胜利,北伐军风卷残云般涤荡着北洋军阀,可到了4月12日,蒋介石、汪精卫(李子雄 饰)先后背叛革命,向广大共产党人和工农民众挥起了屠刀,瞬间整个中国被白色恐怖笼罩,大革命失败了。在此万分危机时刻,共产党人越发彰显出大无畏的革命英雄主义,为了挽救革命,他们在极端...