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    Alf's Button


    • Alf's Button

    • 片名:Alf's Button
    • 状态:已完结
    • 主演:刘茜/凯瑟琳·特鲁多/阿尔多·锡格纳蒂/罗德尼·伊士曼/长井短/陈志朋/
    • 导演:戴中平/
    • 年份:2020
    • 地区:印度
    • 类型:恐怖/古装/悬疑/
    • 时长:内详
    • 上映:未知
    • 语言:国语,韩语,英语
    • 更新:2025-02-15 05:38
    • 简介:Collection of 19 new original Looney Tunes short webisodes. Some are tied into segments and others are one-offs. The first 7 shorts are part of the segment called Mysterious Phenomena of the Unexplained, which is the name of Daffy's skeptical show about the paranormal unexplained phenomena that people have reported. In Sufferin' Sasquatch, Sylvester's family spends their vacation camping in the woods, but are they alone? In Who Wants To Be A Martianaire?, Elmer Fudd is abducted to be the involuntary contestant in an alien quiz show hosted by Marvin the Martian. In Loch Ness Mess, Daffy and quite Scottish Yosemite Sam try to find the Loch Ness Monster. In Cropsy Curvy, Elmer Fudd suspect that a UFO might have landed in his cornfield, but it's just Bugs stealing his pie. Or is it? In The Bermuda Short, Sylvester, Tweety and Granny are on a luxury cruise - in the middle of Bermuda Triangle! In The Taming of the Screwball, Daffy, Porky and Taz try to perform a play terribly, as part of a financial swindle, in a theater haunted by a ghost. In El Chupacabra!, Daffy's latest paranormal investigation that he's turned into unofficial beach vacation is interrupted by Porky's warnings that something isn't quite right with the locale. The next five shorts are set in a luxury hotel, Royal Mallard, that Daffy frequents. In Gone In 30 Minutes, Daffy does his best to stop Porky from delivering his pizza to him, since Porky's business policy is - pizza delivered under 30 minutes or it's free. In Window Pains, window cleaners Foghorn Leghorn and Barnyard Dawg develop an unhealthy competition while cleaning the hotel's windows. In Daffy's Meet Market, Daffy decides to visit the gym to impress a girl. In Cube Wars, Elmer Fudd, whose job is on the line, is trying to work in his cubical, when two co-workers - Daffy and Bugs make a living hell out of his workday. In Hogs & Kisses, Porky takes his girlfriend to a refined French restaurant, but she's not very pleased with the food that's on the menu. The next four shorts are single entries and are not part of any segment. In Satellite Sam, Bugs home is jeopardized by Yosemite Sam's construction work. In Tech Suppork, Porky is having problems with his office computer, so he calls tech support, which turns out to be bored Taz, for help. In Twick Or Tweety, Sylvester once again goes after Tweety, who's now owned by Witch Hazel, and finally eats the poor little yellow bird, but then lives to regret it. In The Island of Dr. Moron, Bugs spoils the latest experiment of a mad scientist, who's just created a carrot no rabbit will eat. He sends Gossamer and a similar orange monster to get Bugs, but everything ends with a surprise wedding. The final three shorts are part of Planet of the Taz segment, a parody of Planet of the Apes, starring Daffy as Duck Dodgers and Porky as his faithful sidekick. In Planet of the Taz, Dodgers returns to the planet where he lives after flying through a strange wormhole, only to find things a lot different then before. In Beneath the Planet of Taz, Dodgers and Porky are captured along with Charlton Heston's character by the Taz, but escape and find the ultimately disappointing forgotten lost superweapon of a bygone civilization. In Enough with the Planet of the Taz, Dodgers and Porky finally come up with a plan to escape the planet, but the story ends with a surprise twist, that's slightly different than the one from the Planet of the Apes franchise.《好好好推理社的聚会》以推理社成员的团建派对欢快重聚为主题,姐妹们协力合作完成一系列欢乐挑战,展现出团队默契及超强推理能力来到理发店,顾潇潇让理发师给她剪了个干净利落的碎发。麦克斯·波德特(皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan 饰)和罗拉·西里罗(萨尔玛·海耶克 Salma Hayek 饰)是一对身手非凡、亲密无间的雌雄大盗。他们纵横天下,蜚声国际,是同行欣羡崇拜的对象,也是警方和富商恐惧憎恨的目标。在与老对头FBI探员斯坦·罗伊德(伍迪·哈里森 Woody Harrelson 饰)一番斗智斗勇的周旋后,两人成功盗得一枚价值连城的钻石。之后便双双飞往位于中美洲巴哈马群岛的天堂岛,过起了悠哉游哉的隐居生活。陕西绥德,九零生人,酷爱文学,挚爱电影。从小以看电影为最大乐趣,初中时按捺不住蓬勃的创作表达欲和对电影与日俱增的着迷,从此走上视电影若生命的不归路。高中开始创作小说剧本,在校内排演话剧音乐剧。大学时期疯狂看电影,并同时学习编导专业。大学毕业开始筹备第一部长片作品,并于一四年自费拍摄完成,一五年独立制作完成。电影储备主要来源于大量观影和自学,崇尚作者主义,坚持编导一体,欣赏迷影精神,尊重工业体系,无混场经验,不迷信权威,热爱好故事,排斥技术...也许是当着霍老爷子和霍靳西的面,他刻意收起了平日里对待外人的疏离,又或者,是情之所至,便连性子都有所转变。这个消息一出,在五中引发了一阵热烈讨论。这个时候听着铁玄的这一番话,到是有一些入神了。午餐后,多数人都选择了回寝室休息,因此这个时间,林荫路上其实很安静。
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    Collection of 19 new original Looney Tunes short webisodes. Some are tied into segments and others are one-offs. The first 7 shorts are part of the segment called Mysterious Phenomena of the Unexplained, which is the name of Daffy's skeptical show about the paranormal unexplained phenomena that people have reported. In Sufferin' Sasquatch, Sylvester's family spends their vacation camping in the woods, but are they alone? In Who Wants To Be A Martianaire?, Elmer Fudd is abducted to be the involuntary contestant in an alien quiz show hosted by Marvin the Martian. In Loch Ness Mess, Daffy and quite Scottish Yosemite Sam try to find the Loch Ness Monster. In Cropsy Curvy, Elmer Fudd suspect that a UFO might have landed in his cornfield, but it's just Bugs stealing his pie. Or is it? In The Bermuda Short, Sylvester, Tweety and Granny are on a luxury cruise - in the middle of Bermuda Triangle! In The Taming of the Screwball, Daffy, Porky and Taz try to perform a play terribly, as part of a financial swindle, in a theater haunted by a ghost. In El Chupacabra!, Daffy's latest paranormal investigation that he's turned into unofficial beach vacation is interrupted by Porky's warnings that something isn't quite right with the locale. The next five shorts are set in a luxury hotel, Royal Mallard, that Daffy frequents. In Gone In 30 Minutes, Daffy does his best to stop Porky from delivering his pizza to him, since Porky's business policy is - pizza delivered under 30 minutes or it's free. In Window Pains, window cleaners Foghorn Leghorn and Barnyard Dawg develop an unhealthy competition while cleaning the hotel's windows. In Daffy's Meet Market, Daffy decides to visit the gym to impress a girl. In Cube Wars, Elmer Fudd, whose job is on the line, is trying to work in his cubical, when two co-workers - Daffy and Bugs make a living hell out of his workday. In Hogs & Kisses, Porky takes his girlfriend to a refined French restaurant, but she's not very pleased with the food that's on the menu. The next four shorts are single entries and are not part of any segment. In Satellite Sam, Bugs home is jeopardized by Yosemite Sam's construction work. In Tech Suppork, Porky is having problems with his office computer, so he calls tech support, which turns out to be bored Taz, for help. In Twick Or Tweety, Sylvester once again goes after Tweety, who's now owned by Witch Hazel, and finally eats the poor little yellow bird, but then lives to regret it. In The Island of Dr. Moron, Bugs spoils the latest experiment of a mad scientist, who's just created a carrot no rabbit will eat. He sends Gossamer and a similar orange monster to get Bugs, but everything ends with a surprise wedding. The final three shorts are part of Planet of the Taz segment, a parody of Planet of the Apes, starring Daffy as Duck Dodgers and Porky as his faithful sidekick. In Planet of the Taz, Dodgers returns to the planet where he lives after flying through a strange wormhole, only to find things a lot different then before. In Beneath the Planet of Taz, Dodgers and Porky are captured along with Charlton Heston's character by the Taz, but escape and find the ultimately disappointing forgotten lost superweapon of a bygone civilization. In Enough with the Planet of the Taz, Dodgers and Porky finally come up with a plan to escape the planet, but the story ends with a surprise twist, that's slightly different than the one from the Planet of the Apes franchise.



    麦克斯·波德特(皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan 饰)和罗拉·西里罗(萨尔玛·海耶克 Salma Hayek 饰)是一对身手非凡、亲密无间的雌雄大盗。他们纵横天下,蜚声国际,是同行欣羡崇拜的对象,也是警方和富商恐惧憎恨的目标。在与老对头FBI探员斯坦·罗伊德(伍迪·哈里森 Woody Harrelson 饰)一番斗智斗勇的周旋后,两人成功盗得一枚价值连城的钻石。之后便双双飞往位于中美洲巴哈马群岛的天堂岛,过起了悠哉游哉的隐居生活。




